Selasa, 08 Desember 2009

SOLAR POWER SYSTEM : How to Build a Solar Panel - The Process of Building Solar Panels at Home, Step by Step Instructions


Want to learn how to build a solar panel? You can save energy costs for homes by installing solar panels do it yourself. "By using energy from the sun is free and does not harm the environment, and better still, it is possible to construct a dock for less than $ 100 There is no reason to have a lot of electrical knowledge to learn how to build a solar panel.

The potential savings in electricity bills especially remarkable when compared with the low cost for the construction of solar panels. Therefore, many people have been very interested in learning how to build a solar panel. Someone should be able to build solar power system with the right step by step SET statements.

Here is a basic overview of how the process went:

* The first step is to buy 16 volt solar kits. You can find a bar like this in the hardware store for about $ 75.
* The next step is to buy a battery. Smaller battery is sufficient, for example in the 12-volt lead-acid cell or battery.
* You must buy a box of pasta in a safe. That way if the panels do it yourself "can access their children can be injured as a power from the battery will be protected in a box.
* You will also need to purchase a meter in accordance with the DC battery voltage and DC input. This changes the energy received from the panel of a food that you can use at home. You will also have an inverter so you can be the means of alternating current.
* The next step is to connect the meter and into the battery box. You have to use insulated wire to connect the battery and the counter. You can work with each thread simply plug wire first with the negative input. Same procedure to connect the solar panels and DC input for battery.

Then you're ready to begin using solar energy as energy. It should be tightly closed lid and place the device of solar panels to the sun. Panel calls for at least 8 hours to fill, but after that there will be a source of energy.

This is key to reducing energy costs. Learn how to build solar panels is the answer to the suffering of your energy because it is good for the environment and good for the portfolio for you. Some people also get the opportunity for companies to replace the money for some more energy they produce.

These passages fairly basic, and if you want to learn how to build a solar panel, you will realize that driving is a bit 'too complicated and not the detail needed to simulate the process. I suggest that you buy a more detailed step-by-step guide to making the process of learning to build a solar panel is much easier.

The creation of a "Solar Panel" wind turbine system and can be very satisfying and profitable projects, but it is very important that you use the voice and step by step, a reliable set of instructions specifically for this purpose. Support throughout the process is a must.

If you really want to build a successful renewable energy system, visit DIY stores solar panels. To go to the website click here: Making solar panels.

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